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zkApp programmability is not yet available on the Mina Mainnet. You can get started now by deploying zkApps to the Berkeley Testnet.

o1js Basic Concepts

o1js, fka. SnarkyJS, is a TypeScript (TS) library for writing general-purpose ZK programs and writing ZK smart contracts for the Mina Blockchain. In order to create a ZKP (zero knowledge proof), you should use types and operations that can be converted into a ZKP. o1js gives you a lot of different built in types and customizable structures that you can use to create ZKPs.


Field elements are the basic unit of data in ZK programming. Every other data type (either built-in or composite) in o1js is made up of field elements.

Each Field element in o1js can store a number up to almost 256 bits in size. You can think of it as a uint256 in Solidity, but there are some fundamental differences explained below.


For the cryptography inclined, the prime order of the o1js Field is: 28,948,022,309,329,048,855,892,746,252,171,976,963,363,056,481,941,560,715,954,676,764,349,967,630,336

Creating a Field Element

You can create a Field either with the new constructor or by directly calling the Field as a constructor. The convention is to use Field without the new constructor.

let x = Field(42);

You can create a Field from anything that is "field-like": number, string, bigint, or another Field. Note that the argument you give must be an integer in the Field range.

let x = Field("12347"); // From string
let y = Field(172384782343434n); // From bigint
let z = Field(x); // From another Field

let k = Field("asdf"); // Throws, as this is not a number
let l = Field("234.34"); // Throws, as this is not an integer

Nevertheless, you can create a Field from a negative number. This method implicity calculates the additive modular inverse of the given argument. This is an advanced level information, and you do not need it for simple zkApps.

let x = Field(-1); // If you try printing this to the screen, you will see a very big integer

Methods on the Field Type

Field type includes a lot of built in methods. You can call all methods in the Field type either with a Field or with a "field-like" value. In the latter case, the argument is implicity converted to a Field.

All common arithmetic operations are available on the Field type. They create and return a new Field element.

let x = Field(45);
let y = Field(78);

let sum = x.add(y);
let sub = x.sub(y);
let mul = x.mul(47); // You can also use "field-like" values
let div = x.div(89); // This is a modular division
let neg = x.neg(); // This is equivalent to x.mul(-1)

let square = x.square(); // x^2, equivalent to x.mul(x)
let sqrt = x.sqrt(); // Modular square root of x
let inv = x.inv(); // Modular inverse of x

You can also perform logical operations and comparisons with Field elements. These methods return a Bool element, which is another common o1js built in type, equivalent to boolean in other languages and frameworks.

let x = Field(45);

x.equals(45); // True
x.greaterThan(45); // False
x.greaterThanOrEquals(45); // True
x.lessThan(45); // False
x.lessThanOrEquals(45); // True

// It is also possible to check if a Field is even or not
x.isEven(); // False

Assertions in o1js

If you want to reject a TX (transaction) in your zkApp smart contract, you can use assertions in o1js. If you create an assertion inside your ZKP, the proof fails if the assertion does not evaluate to true. All conditional methods on the Field type can be used as assertions.

let x = Field(45);

x.assertEquals(45); // True - passes
x.assertGreaterThan(45); // False - throws
x.assertGreaterThanOrEquals(45); // True - passes
x.assertLessThan(45); // False - throws
x.assertLessThanOrEquals(45); // True - passes

You can think assertions in o1js similar to require() function in Solidity.

Printing a Field to the Screen

Field elements are stored as classes in o1js. This is why if you print a Field using console.log, you will get an unreadable output. Hopefully, o1js provides an equivalent function to console.log for provable types: Provable.log

let x = Field(45);
Provable.log(x); // Prints 45

Other Types and Methods

In addition to the Field type, o1js gives you a variety structures to help you build a powerful zkApp. You can learn more about them in the next chapter, Common Types and Functions.


The information given until here is more than enough for you to start creating powerful zkApps with o1js. For more advanced level content, you can read the following sections. If you are new to o1js, just continue with the next chapter, Common Types and Functions.

Deeper into the Field Type

Field element is a positive integer in a prime order finite field, which is a set of integers in between 1 and the prime order of the field (a.k.a. an arbitrary prime number describing the field).

The order of the o1js Field can be accessed as a static property of the class.


When you perform an operation inside a finite field, the result always stays in the range. This is achieved through modular arithmetic. This behaviour may be unfamiliar to you if you have not worked with ZKPs before. Let us explain more with some examples.

In the addition or multiplication operations where the result is bigger than the order of the finite field, you receive the modulus of the result with the prime order of the field.

Provable.log(Field(Field.ORDER - 1) + Field(2)); // This will print 1

If you try creating a Field from a negative number you will receive the modular additive inverse of the number. For instance (1 + (Field.ORDER - 1)) % Field.ORDER is 0, so the additive inverse of 1 is Field.ORDER - 1 in this field.

Provable.log(Field(-1)); // This will print `Field.ORDER - 1`

Similarly, if your substraction results in a negative number you will get the modular additive inverse.

For division, if the result is not an integer, you receive the modular multiplicative inverse of the division: If (x * y) % p is z (where p is the order of the finite field), then the modular multiplicative inverse of the division z / x equals y. Note that x, y, and z are all integers.

Provable.log(Field(3).div(Field(5))); // This will print a very big integer

Because of this behaviour, it is usually not very useful to use the final result of an uneven division. Instead, you can prove the result with multiplication.

// We want x, an argument of the smart contract, to be equal to 7 / 3

If you want to have integer division instead, you can use UInt32 or UInt64 types (see Common Types and Functions).

Provability and Provable Code in o1js

We have stated many times above that all the code you write in o1js must be provable, but what is provability?

A provable code can be thought as a code that o1js compiler can convert into a ZKP. Just because you write something with o1js, it does not become automatically provable. You must follow all the rules above and always use provable types in your code.

However, provable types are created from regular TS variables.

const x = 42; // This is TS number
let x_provable = Field(x); // This code is perfectly valid

In reality, the x_provable variable in the example above is a constant Field variable. By constant, we do not mean that it is a TS constant (which you define by using const), but we say that the value of x_provable is known at the compilation time. When you receive an argument to your smart contract method, then the argument is not a constant, thus you should only use provable methods on it.

@method foo(x: Field) {
// Here, the value of x depends on the user input, thus type of x must be provable

You can learn if a variable is a constant or not in o1js by using isConstant() method. Note that this is a function mostly for internal use, but it might give you a good insight on how to work with types in o1js.

let x = Field(42);
console.log(x.isConstant()); // This will print true

Always remember that o1js is used for writing ZKPs, and what you write with o1js must have a sense in the final proof. The public or private inputs of a ZKP may change depending on the user input, but once the inputs are provided, the final ZKP must make sure they are not changed. By using provable o1js variables, you make sure that your variables are always consistent with your proof logic.

@method foo(x: Field, y: Field) {
x.add(y).assertEquals(5); // we know neither the value of x, nor of the y, but we are sure that (x + y) % Field.ORDER equals 5